Organic chemistry does not have to RUIN your life. If you want to dominate this class and are willing to do your part, I will online coach you into a problem-solving, arrow-pushing SUPERSTAR!
You will benefit from my experience and love of organic chemistry tutoring.

We're going to kick some organic chemistry ass together!
Hi, I'm Eddie the OChem Tutor, and I love helping students crush organic chemistry. You can do this, we can do this together remotely using Zoom. I'm passionate about this subject matter and am grateful to be doing the thing I love, the thing that gives me purpose in life (been doing this full-time since 2004). I have helped literally hundreds of students go from zero to hero, and I can help you do the same.
Every semester and summer, I work with students who come in expecting this class to be the worst, but most discover organic chemistry can be fun, interesting, and they can do it with authority once they learn and understand how to apply a small handful of repeating pillar principles that govern almost every problem we have to solve. Students figure out it is possible to solve problems logically, almost effortlessly, with these principles and concepts; often to their surprise, students find the class becomes a manageable exercise in critical thinking.
BUT . . .
There's a high probability that emphasizing and teaching the pillar principles needed to solve problems with ease will not happen in your course. More likely than not, it takes someone like me to help you get this piece, and my ability to do this is why I've had so much success with students over the years and why I have been able to last as long as I have in this role.

With me in your corner, your organic chemistry experience will be easier.
With over 20 years of experience tutoring and teaching organic chemistry full-time, I will be able to answer your questions more efficiently and authoritatively than most. I will be showing you how the principles of the new material connect to that of the old material, and helping you to recognize and apply these repeating principles and concepts. I will definitely be showing you a much more comprehensive understanding than what you will get from class or from internet searches for help.
You will still need to work with intention (I'm not a magic wand), but I will teach you how to work smarter, not harder and unproductively in this class.
If you come aboard early enough (early = important), you will find the hardest part is the beginning; the class will actually become easier as you see how the material and concepts we learn in the front-end of the course allows us to solve everything that follows.
The angry masses of students who are not seeing this are the ones complaining "it's all memorization" and a weed-out class as their grades (and possibly their futures) go down the drain.
I worked with Eddie twice a week during my semester of organic chemistry at Harvard. It was the best decision I made. Everyone knows. Organic Chemistry is hard and scary. But with Eddie's guidance, I excelled and completed the class with a solid understanding of the basics of OChem. There was no memorization involved. Just a true understanding of the subject. Like playing a musical instrument or learning to speak another language. I took the MCAT a few months later and didn't feel that I had to spend much time reviewing because of the OChem judgment and reasoning that Eddie helped me to achieve.
Eddie is more than a tutor. He is a coach. With that in mind, know that to truly excel in OChem, the student has to put in their own time and dedication. He's not there to do your homework for you. Eddie was there along the way, cheering me on, and explaining things to me in a way I could relate to. OChem was truly my favorite pre-med subject I took, and it was thanks to Eddie.
If you are looking to actually learn Ochem and excel in your course, learn from Eddie and trust and do everything he says. Put in the time and work. I started from week 1 with him and stayed afloat the whole time. Do not wait until you drown. Start on top and stay on top. It is possible with Eddie 🙂
Ana L.
Harvard Extension Student
(Written in a card)
Just wanted to thank you for the past semester. Ever since our first meeting I felt I was in capable and knowledgeable hands, and your help and encouragement paid off A LOT. I realize without a lot of studying on my part I wouldn’t have been successful, but you supplied me with the tools I needed to make it happen – and for that I am very appreciative.
I look forward to working with you more this coming semester.
Your friend,
Brian V.
Harvard Extension Student
Perhaps my greatest benefit to you: extraordinary (and authentic) accessibility
Being able to answer questions correctly is what I would consider the bare minimum for someone in my role. (And I can assure you there’s plenty of tutors out there who cannot do this part effectively.) What really makes me stand out from the crowd is how much I pour myself into the cause and how accessible I will be in between our actual sessions together.
You will quickly see that I do so much more than just pop up on your screen during our scheduled Zoom meetings to do my thing. I will also be available between sessions for answering quick questions and for looking over work you'd like me to check over, then returning it with written feedback.
I am available throughout the day and evening, and I can meet with you on weekends if availability allows.
If you value the importance of working with somebody who really cares about their craft and the well-being of their students beyond a means of just making ends meet, someone who is going to be there in your times of need and not flaking out when you're sending out your S.O.S. and you need help quickly, then I am the coach for you. I will exceed your expectations.
Please click here to read more about my greatest benefit to you. I have a lot to say about this.
Let's lift each other up.
Organic chemistry does not have to suck big-time. We can have some fun doing this together, and we can lift each other up. My hope is to team with students who are not trying to marginalize me into a glorified app, but are instead looking to build a partnership with connection, depth, and mutual accountability. It is way more satisfying for both of us when our time together is more than you just checking off a prerequisite and me just paying my rent.
If we're going old school, I like to think of you being like Rocky and me being Apollo Creed in Rocky III when we train you to take on Clubber Lang. The way Rocky and Apollo were in that movie . . . I'd love for us to complete the course feeling like we did that together!

Future you and me celebrating YOU CRUSHING OCHEM!!
Don't wait for a crisis, avoid the "Wrath of the Red Ink" on your exams! There's no doubt that the ideal situation is we get you started EARLY in the process (even before your class begins!), not wait for you to become a flaming dumpster fire.
I can turn you into an exam-shredding beast! And maybe - just maybe - you'll end up enjoying the organic chemistry experience!
If someone were to tell me six weeks ago that Summer Ochem at Harvard will be my best learning experience I would not have believed it given the amount of material to learn and the short amount of time to learn them in. But now this is my unequivocal best learning experience ever. Thank you for teaching me the ins and outs of Ochem and giving me this cherished human experience.
I feel so fortunate to have found you as a mentor/guide/tutor for this challenging course. The fact you work so hard means I’m actually working with someone whose service is OChem centric and nothing else. I couldn’t have asked for a better environment to learn OChem in, and most importantly, going through it with your support.
Thank you, Eddie. Your biggest fan.
Xibin Wu
Harvard University Summer Student